Family Therapy

Family dynamics can be complex in that each family has its own fixed system that blends both spoken and unspoken rules and codes for living.

Many of which have been grandfathered in by previous generations. There is no such thing as a perfect family, but here a healthy family is the goal.

A healthy family is one where communication is clear, direct and compassionate, where people take responsibility for their part in the larger dynamics and prioritize each others well-being. It is a space where people feel safe to express both their needs and their boundaries and feel secure in their belonging.

Families often enter therapy with an "identified patient" or "scapegoat” who is typically faulted for the problems of the group.

We believe that a problem with one member of the family reflects deeper issues within the entire family system. In other words, the family member designated with problematic behavior is often the one bringing attention to the disorder within the family unit that can help the whole system when properly identified and brought to light.

Sessions are 75 -90 mins |  Starting at $225